Monday, July 11, 2011

E-mail #6

 E-mail #6

July 11th, 2011

Well first off


I wrote a list of things i wanted to tell everyone, so off i go. :)

Tell grandma that i got the jewelry she sent, and i LOVE it, and thanks so much! I hope she is enjoying being on the mountain. She probably didn't get the picture i mailed her, but that's okay, it will be waiting for them when they get home. This last Saturday was our first baptism!! WOHOOO!!! The boys name is Noah, him and his sister got baptized and it was great! They are 9 and 8. The husband was home from Iraq for his 2 weeks and was able to perform the baptism so it made that much more special!! I will attach a picture! We also met this guy named Ivan.....and oh man, great moments. We finally got an appointment with him after several fell through and soon after we started talking we realized he was trying to convert us!! HAHA!!! got--to--love--it!! He said we should come to his church, so we made a deal we would go to his if he would go to ours! but he didn't show up to our yesterday....what a shocker. lol. Oh and when we said an opening prayer for the lesson we taught him, he TOTALLY prayed over my companion! how weird huh!.....oh man, gotta love it. Oh and since you know, its my birthday and all coming up, let me make myself clear, I LOVE LETTERS!!! and we can listen to EFY and CES and Mormon Tab. choir feel free to send some tunes. This week, tomorrow is my first Zone Conference, i am super excited to see elder hall who i went through the MTC with. I will also be meeting our new mission pres. so that is pretty exciting. Mom those bubble gum jar thingy's you sent me, i take them to primary on Sundays and give the kids treats for when they listen. Lol. i figure that works best, i wont really use it, and they will LOVE it. We go to the English and the Spanish church on Sundays. First is English, so we got to Sunday school and relief society and all that, but then after that is over, we have like 10 minutes to eat our packed lunch and we go to the Spanish branch, which is SUPER because its tiny we teach in primary. I adore those kids, they are super cute!!!! I don't ever know whats being said during sacrament, but its still fun! We teach the kids in English....because most of them only speak English.

We were sent by our bishop to find this elderly man, Hal Fuller.....and WHAT A CUTE OLD MAN!!!! since his wife died he has stopped going to church, which is way sad. But he is just so cute. So we are trying to get him to come to church to he can be sealed to his wife before he dies. He always says he doesn't have an excuse....and somehow that is his excuse, but he is super cute! Also, while we were trying to find places to go i discovered on the map, there are 3 pretty awesome streets here in junction city that i need to get a picture with before i possibly leave. they are......Wilma st....Brooke Bend....and Hurricane....HAHA!! HOW AWESOME IS THAT!??!

Anyways, things have been going good. We have a busy week ahead of us, tonight we make the 2 and a half hour drive to our zone conference for the morning, then we come back Tuesday afternoon, then Wednesday night we are doing (my first) exchanges, sister dent is leaving me, which makes me super nervous because i don't know this area well enough to find the houses, but i guess that's why they make maps. And then sister Dent will come back Thursday night. So we have a SUPER busy week. Hopefully we find new investigators and just work well!

Well i don't really have any funny stories for you this week. I'm sure if i really thought about it i could come up with some......but i don't really want to. So yea.

I hope everyone is doing good. Love you all

Sister Brookie Barnum.

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